Well, what have I been doing since September? Spending my days being swallowed by the likes of the job. In September I was offered the position of HR manager at the job and since then life has been on such a roller coaster ride. I am writing this as I am sittinghere suspended for three days over some things that while may have been my fault were also the product of an overbearing job. After being in my new position for a mere 3 months, I was promoted to Director. While I was honored, I initially tuned it down knowing what was ahead of me. However, I was told by HRP that I would still be held to the same expectations as a Director so I would be advised to take the position. I think it started out well, but it went into a swirl of chaos and frenzy at the point that I was so sick I could no longer function. This was at the end of January a mere 3 weeks after being made a Director. Since then I still have not fully gotten teh infection from my body and I continue to have sleepless nights due to the job, family, money, marriage and all esle that swirls about in my sleepless dreams. It all came to head this week when it was brought to my attention that I missed a crucial detail in a letter of discipline to an emploee in early February. I think I too needed this suspension to slow me down and make me refocus on what I am doing. So far today, I have done a great deal of thinking nad mental planning, but now it is time to truly get to work and make things happen for my department. I must prove my worth and what I truly have teh potential to succeed. (Spelling and typing mind you are not my strong points.) So, from today I am refocused on being a better Director and leader for my department. This is not about the job it is more about my personal pride in what I have to work with. So, wish me luck in your thougths, if there is anyone out there thinkng about me and off I go to a whole new place....
posted by Charolette at 9:45 AM