Oh my goodness, what a life I lead... can I handle the boredom and the excitement? Yesterday was Courtney's birthday party... the in-laws can single handedly drive us all to the nut house. Perhaps that is why my husband is such a crabby man, he is crazy from being subjected to his family for years!
On a lighter note, Chloe is growing everyday and loves to smile at whatever life brings her. I would love to be able to live within the limits of her small world that is so small and new and wonderous. I smile at the thought of her smiling at nothing and everythign at the same time. She even smiles when she is throwing up all over mommy. As for Courtney, she is gorwing and growing. She is becoming a 13 year old before my eyes, too bad she is only 4 (as of tomorrow). She says the cutest things.. for instance, if given a choice... she "prefers" to do it her way and does not like mommy to help her make her choice. The funniest thing was we were driving by Ikea in Robinson and all the sudden she proclaimed there are a lot of "fags" there... Well, needless to say, I was astonished by her proclamation and could not for the life of me figure out what she was talking about... She once again eyed up the store and proclaimed to me rather sternly, Mommy, there are a lot of "fags" at Ikea. I was about rolling on the floor laughing at this point (while driving mind you) and I had no idea what she was talking about... but then it all came to me... after another conversation we had around the typical Americana celebrations when she proclaimed, "Look at all the American Fags, Mommy." Well, needless to say there are a lot of American Flags out there and Ikea is surrounded by colorful flags. This past Christmas time we were sitting at dinner one night and Courtney started pouting and said, "Santa is not bringing me an asshole for Christmas." Well, Bryan and I were astonsihed to hear this most recent observation adn were trying not laugh, which was impossible... And she repeated it over and over again and was in teasr, because Santa was not bringing her an "asshole" for Christmas. All I could think was we already have Bryan, I am glad we are not getting another asshole for Christmas. (Just kidding.) So, we continued this conversation for months, before it finally dawned on us what she was really saying... Castle. Amazing what our ears hear when she talks!
I love my girls so much and despite my lack of sleep right now as Chloe has been up since 2am and I arrived at work at 630am just to get away from the house, I would not trade my life for anything... My girls and of course my husband are my life and I would not trade them for the world! (Most days at least.)
posted by Charolette at 9:46 AM