Where is my excitement?

Monday, June 23, 2003
Blah, blah, blah.... oh the excitement. Can life me more dramatic over the little stuff? How is it that two grown adults can have a serious fight about a swing set? What the hell are we thinking? I think we need to get along... or need to kill each other. Whichever happens first. I love my husband don't get me wrong, but what were we thinking? We have nothing in common other than our beautiful girls. They are truly the bright spot in my life. I can't wait for the next thing to happen... maybe it will be a beautiful and moving moment. Speaking of which... Saturday is graduation. Wow. I am actually excited about it too. Hope Bryan is too. It will be interesting to see how the girls respond ot having to sit for 2 hours. That is going to suck. At leat I am done with school!!