Where is my excitement?

Friday, June 20, 2003
Where to begin... Life is usual and less than unusual or something like that. I have graduation one week from tomorrow and I dread the real world even though I think I am already participating in real life. Thoughts frequently whirl through my head about nothing and everything and I wonder about all the same things most everyone else does. I suppose I have a lot to learn about life and I hope to learn most of it from my friends so I can say I have a well rounded education. I have realized many of my fears recently... including, but not limited to: failure, not being liked, being the subject of another person's jokes, being the smelly person at work, falling out of love, falling in love, raising bad kids, mistakes, not pleasing my boss, and so on and so on. A lot of that is stuff I do have control over, however, some things are just out of my control. I look forward to the point in life that I get ot prove myself and shine and I get to be happy for me and the ones I love. I have a few friends I consider to be the greatest and I would truly be saddened if ther were not in my life... Shawn, Dawn, Sherry, Bill, and Dusti. A few others, I would be sad without, but would live... I won't list so as to spare their feelings. Not that any of them would ever read this. It is amazing how one collects "friends" through life and in the end there are only a few that end up being of importance. I guess for me it comes down to how much energy I have available to commit to a friendship. I have the ability to be a good person for a few minutes at a time, however, over extended periods I think I lose my charm and personality. That is when the real me shows up. I appreciate those that love me for me and allow my true side to shine! Thanks! Well, as usual mommy is needed. So until next time... love yourself!